Category : Shotguns

Folks, Starting on March 1, the Precision Arms store hours changed. We are still open Wednesday through Friday 10 to 6 and then Saturday 10 to 5 but are now closed on Tuesdays. Also, we haven’t been doing too many blog posts but have been posting lots on Facebook. If you have a chance, […]

Based on the media reports gun and ammunition sales have increased significantly since the election. From the information available from the State (of California), they aren’t up as much as the media is saying…but here at Precision Arms semi-automatic rifles and shotguns are moving very fast. This is especially the case with AR’s, M1A’s, and […]

Just wanted to give you a taste of the long guns we carry at Precision Arms. Below you will see images of precision rifles, tactical rifles, lever guns, shotguns, close quarters weapons and lots of other cool stuff. Don’t forget we also carry handguns! If you see something that interests you don’t hesitate to come […]

Hi all. Thanks for visiting our new site! Over the next few weeks we will be showing you some of the great consignment firearms we have in the store as well as telling about some store specials and new arrivals. First up is a beautiful Browning A500 12ga Ducks Unlimited Dinner Gun. Check out the […]
OK since you are here you can see our new site is up. Please tell us what you think on our Facebook Page