Tag : hand guns

Precision Arms Long Distance Shoot
12 years ago Comentarios desactivados en Precision Arms Long Distance Shoot

We had our Precision Arms monthly long distance shoot today and again had a great time.  Here are a few images from the day including the ‘snake skin’ rifle a Remington 700 5R .300wm precision rifle with Nightforce scope and a custom .243 with a Leupold Blood Splatter scope and a HS Precision Blood Splatter […]

12 years ago Comentarios desactivados en Atlas Bipods in Stock at Precision Arms

If you are looking for a tough, very stable bipod that has extra adjustment options and is affordable, consider the Atlas bipod.  Its what we recommend for your long distance rifle.  If you want to see them in person we have some in stock here at Precision Arms.  If you want some more background on […]

Store Hours and the Precision Arms Facebook Page

Folks, Starting on March 1, the Precision Arms store hours changed.  We are still open Wednesday through Friday 10 to 6 and then Saturday 10 to 5 but are now closed on Tuesdays.   Also, we haven’t been doing too many blog posts but have been posting lots on Facebook.  If you have a chance, […]

The Election and Gun Sales
12 years, 4 months ago Comentarios desactivados en The Election and Gun Sales

Based on the media reports gun and ammunition sales have increased significantly since the election.  From the information available from  the State (of California), they aren’t up as much as the media is saying…but here at Precision Arms semi-automatic rifles and shotguns are moving very fast.  This is especially the case with AR’s, M1A’s, and […]

Precision Arms Remington 700 5R Build, Nice!
12 years, 5 months ago Comentarios desactivados en Precision Arms Remington 700 5R Build, Nice!

How beautiful is this!  Remington 700 5R .308, XLR Tactical stock, Nightforce NXS scope in the Pelican case package all ready to go!  We’d love to hear your comments on our Facebook Page.

Mossberg 464 SPX Project Gun
12 years, 5 months ago Comentarios desactivados en Mossberg 464 SPX Project Gun

At Precision Arms we’ve been working on a Mossberg 464 SPX lever gun for one of our customers.  So far we’ve smoothed the action and then added a large loop for the lever.  Action on lever guns can be a little rough…not now!  Its smooth as glass!  Our gunsmith has also extended the lever so […]

Heads Up!  The 2nd Amendment is Under Attack via The UN Small Arms Treaty
12 years, 9 months ago Comentarios desactivados en Heads Up! The 2nd Amendment is Under Attack via The UN Small Arms Treaty

  Folks, this is important and something we need to be aware of and get loud about.  Hillary Clinton recently committed the US to the UN Small Arms Treaty, a backdoor effort by the Obama administration to erode our 2nd Amendment rights.  Here is the full article from Forbes Magazine and its worth the read.  While […]

Zombie Apocalypse Weapons Of Choice from Precision Arms
12 years, 10 months ago Comentarios desactivados en Zombie Apocalypse Weapons Of Choice from Precision Arms

With all the crazy news about the guy in Miami eating the other guy or the woman battling the flesh eating bacteria we’ve decide to put together our weapons (guns, rifles, etc.) of choice for the SHTF or Zombie Apocalypse over at the Precision Arms Facebook Page.  What is your ideal setup?  Tell us on […]

This is a Perfect Remington 700 5R Precision Rifle from Precision Arms in Escondido
12 years, 11 months ago Comentarios desactivados en This is a Perfect Remington 700 5R Precision Rifle from Precision Arms in Escondido

Ok, John has out done himself!!  Here is what I’m calling a Perfect Remington 700 5R.  He’s added a magazine, rail, a Nightforce NXS scope, and an Atlas bipod.  This is the way Remington should be selling these great precision rifles.  See what people are saying about it on the Precision Arms Facebook page. Advance […]

Desert Tactical Arms SRS Maintenance:  Have a look!
13 years ago Comentarios desactivados en Desert Tactical Arms SRS Maintenance: Have a look!

For those of you following, I went to Desert Tactical Arms for some training on their rifles.  Tonight was my first opportunity since then to fully break down a Desert Tactical Arms SRS (.338 Lapua Magnum) and thought I’d share it with you.  Pretty impressive precision rifle.  Below is the before image.       […]