A Couple Great Consignment Firearms: A Beautiful 12 Gauge Shotgun and a .243 Precision Rifle

A Couple Great Consignment Firearms: A Beautiful 12 Gauge Shotgun and a .243 Precision Rifle
13 years, 2 months ago Comentarios desactivados en A Couple Great Consignment Firearms: A Beautiful 12 Gauge Shotgun and a .243 Precision Rifle

Hi all.  Thanks for visiting our new site!  Over the next few weeks we will be showing you some of the great consignment firearms we have in the store as well as telling about some store specials and new arrivals.

First up is a beautiful Browning A500 12ga Ducks Unlimited Dinner Gun.  Check out the detail in the etching above.  Its never been shot and is listed at $1,495


Next up is a Lone Wolf Custom Rifle Win Pre 64 M70 .243 with a thumbhole stock, Jewell trigger, Vais brake, and a Leupold 8.5-25 LR scope.  Its listed at  $3295

If you have any questions about either, don’t hesitate to give us a call.  Also, if you are looking for a great deal on a Savage 11 FCNS .243, the 2010 Rifle of the Year  with the rings included .  Its listed at $495 (already an excellent price) but there is some wiggle room!

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