Precision Arms is Now a McRees Precision Dealer!

Precision Arms is Now a McRees Precision Dealer!
11 years, 2 months ago Comentarios desactivados en Precision Arms is Now a McRees Precision Dealer!

Precision Arms is now a McRees Precision dealer. We will be building rifles using Remington 700 5R barreled actions, the M40A1 sniper rifle, and new Rem 700 receivers with McRees barrel systems. The top rifle is a Rem 700 MLRS .338lm, the middle rifle is a Rem 700 build with a McRees .260 barrel and the bottom rifle is a Rem 700 5R .308 all of them are in McRees chassis. More to come on this exciting project…

.McRee rack 1

Here is a video of the stock in action:

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